In the last few years, Artificial Intelligence or A.I. has filtered through to practically every field in our society be it entertainment, literature, business, education, politics or healthcare.
It’s a popular saying that a good picture is worth a thousand words, but in today’s internet savvy world, it’s an indisputable fact that a good video is worth a million words! Video Brewery states that “100 million users watch online videos every day.”
How many times have you mechanically clicked on the “Agree” or “I Accept” button on an End-User License Agreement (EULA) that you didn't bother to read or understand?
Previously, we talked about what is data privacy and why it matters to individuals and companies. Let’s see what privacy means for businesses and why should it matter to them.
28th January is Data Privacy Day and “data privacy” is also this month’s topic. Previously we have discussed the scope of what privacy means for a business and why should it matter to a business.
Every year, new technologies come out, existing technologies get smarter, the customers get savvier and all in all digital marketers try to match up with the ever-evolving and rapidly competitive online market.