Why Diverse and Inclusive Content Matters in Digital Marketing?

Jul 09, 2020

Diversity or Inclusivity isn’t just a buzzword to throw around these days. It’s not just the right thing to do in a world that grows more diverse every day. As digital marketing professionals, we strive each day to create content that speaks to the audiences of the brands we represent. The messaging must be authentic to people’s experiences and relatable on a personal level. The most effective way to do this is by weaving real-life situations and imagery into our campaign strategies. Following generic buyer personas and bare-bones demographics are short-sighted. Without accurately representing consumers, fans, readers and audiences, there’s no reason to create digital content. If we don’t speak to the actual people who are browsing websites, clicking on shopping links and reading blog posts, we’re ignoring the power and purpose of connecting through digital communications. Unfortunately, there’s no magic wand to wave and create “instant diversity.” Inclusion has to be grown organically from a marketing philosophy that rewards and celebrates it, and that usually requires some long-term work. Being more inclusive and diverse helps grow your business. Why? Do you ask? Well, look around you’ll notice a melting pot of ages, races, genders, health conditions, sizes, hair colours, economic statuses, clothing styles and people displaying their religious preferences at every turn. This sampling of diversity reflects our society at large, exactly where we are at this moment. Shouldn’t your marketing pieces do the same? Additionally, when a customer sees or reads something or someone similar to themselves in the videos and blog posts you consume, it provides them with validation and relatability. When you make your content marketing more inclusive, you reach new customers and stand out from other companies.

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